The essential books and films on management and leadership

What if you took advantage of the summer period to have a good time while learning?

You don't know where to start? We have selected for you a list of interesting films and books to take a step back from the world of work, leadership and management.

Movies on management and leadership

1. Leadership | 12 angry men

This 1957 classic focuses on a young immigrant’s trial as the jury room has to decide if a young man is guilty or innocent of murdering his father. Among the jurors, 11 vote guilty and 1 not guilty, but the decision must be unanimous. The latter must justify himself and will have to convince the others one by one.

Watch to see what is now called "empathetic leadership" with your own eyes: the ability to listen and communicate, while showing empathy and appreciation of others.

2. Professional world | Violence des échanges en milieu tempéré

At the age of 25, Philippe moves from a small town to Paris to join a large consulting firm. After gaining the trust of his boss, the latter gives him new responsibilities. From then on, Philippe must convince himself of the validity of his task and face the men and women he is preparing to make redundant.

A must watch French movie to take a step back on the mechanisms of power at work. In a competitive world and a tense economy, it pushes us to ask ourselves the question "how far are we ready to go?"

3. Management | Swimming with sharks

In the world of Hollywood production, Guy is the young assistant of a big movie producer, Buddy Ackerman. Games of domination and manipulation ensue, pushing Guy to his limits.

This dark comedy examines toxic relationships at work between managers and employees and their long-term consequences. A guide to what not to do as a manager?

Novels about management and leadership

1. Women in business | Fear and Trembling by Amélie Nothomb

Through the story of Amélie, a young Belgian who goes to live in Japan for a professional experience, Amélie Nothomb highlights the cultural differences that impact the world of work. The author reflects on cultural exchanges which are more and more frequent in our professional environment.

This novel allows us to reflect on subjects such as the hierarchical distance or the place of women versus men in the working world.

2. Start-up | Ecosystem by Rachel Vanir

A humorous novel about two young Parisians who dream of founding their start-up. Struggling to get their project off the ground, they decide to move to San Francisco.

Through a rather catastrophic scenario, one can better understand the new economy, the world of today and tomorrow without being quickly lost by its coded language and its technological universe.

3. Management book | Dream team

In his management book, Ludovic Girodon offers anecdotes, tips and secrets from over 400 managers, founders and HR execs. The author conveys how to motivate and keep your team engaged, whether in a start-up, a small business or a large group. Focusing on each stage of an employee's lifecycle in the company, he offers practical advice to be implemented in good and bad times. You will also find advice on remote management, useful in the current situation.

Ludovic Girodon is also the author of the newsletter Le Débrief' where he shares thoughts and practical advice on team management every two weeks.