Popwork product updates Sept 2023

Hi guys,

We’re happy to share numerous product updates since our last blog post!


Core features have been updated

👉 Team members can access their action items directly from the check-in interface
👉 Feedback and comments have had a facelift on desktop and mobile
👉 Upcoming and current management rituals are easier to visualize

Advanced features are more powerful

👉 Objectives have new dedicated indicators in team & organization dashboards
👉 Our Google Calendar integration now enables you to move Popwork meetings directly from your calendar

Popwork data security has been rated as mature

👉 We asked CyberVadis to audit our data security and have earned the Silver badge

All details below:

Access action items when answering Popwork questions ✅

We have released a series of improvements to help team members better leverage Popwork data when answering questions.

Team members can now access their action items when answering questions, which is particularly useful when answering the achievements, priorities or challenges questions.

More broadly, team members can now access all their past answers in the right-side panel, which is accessible in a single click.

Simplified feedback and comments on desktop and mobile 💬

As a manager, sharing feedback  and comments on your team members’ answers is crucial.

We have made feedback simpler and quicker for managers on Popwork thanks to a new feedback input box. All feedback items can be edited or deleted. We have also restored the possibility to add talking points ahead of conversation for managers. We have also enabled Android compatibility on this feature. Feedback on Popwork is now fully mobile optimized for all devices.

Regarding comments, they now appear below answers and are more visible. It makes it easier to read through answers and comments for users.

Easier access to current and upcoming rituals 🗓

We have made a series of improvements to help users access upcoming rituals.

Due rituals are now clearly highlighted in a blue box at the top of your workspace.

To visualize upcoming rituals for the coming weeks, managers and team members can load them by clicking the “Upcoming rituals” button at the top of their workspace.

New objectives indicators in the dashboard and more 🎯

We doubled down on the objectives module following a first upgrade at the end of July to make objectives easier to track!

1) New objectives indicators

Admin and managers now have indicators in their dashboard to quickly (i) see how many team members have objectives, and (ii) what is the status of objectives in their organization or team

2) Simplified workflow to archive objectives

An objective can now be archived in one click. You will be able to record the level of attainment on a goal attainment scale. Archived objectives can be accessed in the “Archived objectives” tab.

3) Comments on objectives

Comments are now available on objectives’ status updates to help users follow up directly in Popwork.

Move Popwork events directly in Google Calendar 🗓

Since June 2023, you can connect Popwork with your Google Calendar and add recurring Popwork rituals into your calendar.

We have now fully synchronized Popwork and Google Calendar: Moving Popwork events in your Google Calendar is reflected in Popwork and invitations and reminders to answer questions will be sent at the right time.  

For instance, if you move your next 1:1 meeting from Thursday 10:00am to Monday at 09.30am, Popwork will invite your team member to prepare the meeting on Friday, not Wednesday.

Popwork’s cybersecurity rated Silver by CyberVadis 🔒

Popwork has successfully completed Cybervadis third-party risk assessment in August 2023.

Popwork was rated Silver with a score of 900/1000 which demonstrates a “mature” cybersecurity level.

This cybersecurity credential also validates the strength of our security strategy and represents an additional proof of how our Management and Information Security Systems meets the highest standards in terms of cybersecurity and data protection.

Customers can now leverage Popwork CyberVadis report and scorecard to reduce their supplier due-diligence burden.

If you’d like to know more about how we manage information security, please consult our different resources.

That’s it for today!

See you on Popwork and please share feedback, features ideas or comments directly in the Popwork chat 🙌