New features roundup

Hi there,

The past few weeks have been punctuated by several Popwork updates, here's a recap to make sure you haven't missed a thing:

1 - New follow-up features

Popwork action items

Following up from one conversation to another can be a real challenge. Yet it is one of the keys to a good manager-collaborator relationship.

The new follow-up features on Popwork will allow you to define clear actions after each conversation and follow their progress simply:

  • You can now find all your actions in one click in the My actions tab
  • To see all the actions shared with a team member, go to the Actions tab in their workspace
  • You can focus only on Open Actions since these are grouped in one list - with a filter between Open and Closed Actions

2 - History of relationships on Popwork

Relationship history on Popwork

In a company, team changes happen very often - a new manager or a departing employee, for example. To find your check-ins and notes with a person who is no longer part of your team, it is now very simple on Popwork.

To find the profiles of these people, you just have to click on “Archived relationships” in the left menu of Popwork. You will then be able to find all the content shared with these team members.

3 - New Admin features

Popwork admin workspace

We’re continuing to strengthen the admin role on Popwork with 3 new features:

  • user management of all users and their teams
  • possibility to create new managers from the Admin view
  • subscription portal integrated in-app

To manage all the users in their account, an admin can go to the “Teams” view and then choose “All Teams”.

The admin can then add or remove members from this team, change the team manager or edit the team parameters (name, emoji, check-in frequency).

Create a new team card in Popwork

When an admin creates a new team on Popwork, they now have the possibility to assign a new user as manager.

To do this, simply click on the “Manager not yet on Popwork” link in the team creation window.

Finally, admins have access to their Popwork subscription directly in the app.

To access this page, simply click on Settings > My subscription.

Subscription settings in Popwork

It is in this space that you can find your number of Popwork licenses, update your payment method or download your invoices.

Well, that's all for this month. We hope these new features will help you manage your team more easily and efficiently.

Please share your feedback with us!

See you soon on Popwork,

The Popwork team ✌️