Product update: custom questions & profile pics

With this product update, we want check-ins to feel more personal:

(1) Profile pictures 😻

Make your check-in answers lively and your workspace more personal by adding a profile picture to your Popwork account.

To upload your profile picture, simply go to your Settings.

(2) Custom questions 🎁

Managers now have the possibility to ask a custom question in check-ins !

Need some inspiration? We've built a curated list of 25 power questions to ask your team. Team members will see the new question pop up in their check-ins under a β€œcustom” label.

To set your first custom question, simply scroll down to the "Custom question" section in your settings.

(3) Biweekly check-ins that stick to your schedule πŸ“…

No more biweekly check-ins popping up on the wrong week!

For biweekly check-ins, managers can now set check-ins frequency according to the week number (odd or even) to really suit everyone's schedule.

πŸ‘‡ Please feel free to share your thoughts with us!

We are busy working on other new improvements to be released soon, so stay tuned.

Take care,

The Popwork team