Request feedback from your manager | Product update 📥

In June, we shared the news that a new feedback feature was available on Popwork, allowing managers to share feedback to their team members.

To encourage even more continuous feedback, we've been working on new enhancements this month.

Request feedback 📥

Popwork request feedback illustration

Popwork users can now request feedback from their managers. Soliciting advice following a presentation, sharing feedback after achieving a goal or milestone: there are many occasions for this. And the benefits are well known: stronger collaboration, improved performance, commitment and motivation.

How does it work? From the left-hand menu, the home page, or from your shared space with your team member or manager, you can share or request feedback.

A reminder to share feedback with your team 🔔

Every 2 weeks, managers now receive a reminder by email and/or Slack (depending on the notification preferences you've selected) to share feedback with their team members. They can check who they have or haven't shared feedback with in the last 30 days. A way of encouraging regularity and continuous feedback.

The feature will evolve over the coming weeks to allow you to choose your reminder preferences. 

Note that you can also visualise this information directly on your Homepage and share feedback easily with your team members from there as well.

Track the adoption of feedback culture 📊

If you're an admin, you can access new information from the Company tab, on the Indicators page. 

Firstly, the total number of feedback sessions completed - i.e. every feedback session between managers and team members - as well as the total number of feedback items shared over a selected period (last month, last 3 months, last 6 months).

In the last table, you can zoom in by manager to measure the volume of feedback shared and feedback sessions with their team members.

That's it for today!

Johann on behalf of the Popwork team