Share feedback with your peers | Product update

Hope you had a great summer ☀️ The Popwork team has worked hard to ship several new feedback features for the back-to-school period!

Share feedback with your peers 📤

Share feedback with anyone on Popwork illustration

A few weeks ago, we announced that a new feature was available on Popwork allowing managers and team members to share and request feedback.

From now on, you can share and request feedback with any team member within your organization.

Why is this feature important?

  1. Improve collaboration: Receive valuable feedback from your team members, work pairs or colleagues. Offer them your perspective to enrich their work.
  2. Strengthen communication: Foster a culture of open, constructive feedback that improves individual and collective performance.
  3. Facilitate personal development: Take advantage of multiple points of view to identify opportunities for growth and improvement.

How it works

From the left-hand menu, the homepage or the Feedback page, select the share or request feedback option and select the recipient of your choice from all the people in your organization.

Write and share your feedback. The recipient will be notified and will be able to view your message on Popwork.

New: a centralized view of all your feedback 💬

All your feedbacks centralized on Popwork illustration

Since August on Popwork, you can find all the feedback you've received and shared on the Feedbacks tab. It's accessible from the left-side menu ; this is also where you can keep track all the feedback requests you've received or sent.

No need to search through different pages, everything is centralized for a quick, easy and thorough consultation.

Request feedback from your manager after your 1:1 meeting 📤

Request manager feedback after one-to-one meetings on Popwork

In July, we announced a new feature enabling team members to request feedback from their manager at any time - via the "Request feedback" button in the left-side menu.

You can now request feedback from your manager from your shared workspace as well, before or after completing your 1:1 questions, via the “Request feedback” button. 

Asking your manager for feedback on a regular basis enables you to improve continuously, ensure that you are both aligned on objectives, and strengthen your professional relationship.

Monthly HR report : New indicators to track your feedback culture 📊

Popwork Monthly HR report with feedback metrics

Every first Thursday of the month, Popwork admins receive a summary of their company's key indicators by email. In addition to key figures on employee engagement and workload, we've integrated a new indicator to track your the volume of feedbacks shared in your company.

If needs be, the data can be analyzed in Popwork's dynamic dashboard for a more in-depth analysis.