Hi all,
We’ve just shipped an important new feature on Popwork : the Objectives view of the Company dashboard. This Objectives dashboard helps HR and managers visualize objectives’ adoption and confidence level in reaching goals.
Objectives’ dashboard 🎯
We have added a new dashboard to help HR and managers make sure everyone has defined objectives and track their progression status at all levels of the company.
The two main indicators of the dashboard are :
- Objectives’ adoption - % of employees with active objectives
- Objectives’ status - % of objectives per status
As a reminder, when team members share a status update on their goals, they can choose between three confidence levels :
- On track 🟢
- Behind 🟡
- At risk 🔴
Until their first status update, objectives are “pending”.
As with all views of the Popwork dashboard, users can zoom in at any level of the company - from company level down to the individual level.

This dashboard also provides :
- visibility on the average number of objectives per employee
- access to the list of employees with no currently defined objectives
Admins can access this new objectives dashboard from their Company menu (Dashboard) and Managers from their Team menu (Analytics).
Mood and workload insights at individual level 📊
Admins now have access to mood and workload insights at employee level. This is particularly helpful to understand the trend behind mood and workload scores.
However, please note that detailed answers remain only visible by the manager and team member themselves to preserve trust and confidentiality.

That’s it for today.
Johann & the Popwork team