Sharing kudos or positive feedback with other employees has a very positive impa…

Sharing kudos or positive feedback with other employees has a very positive impa…
Adopting appropriate working methods is the only way for hybrid teams to be efficient and productive. What methods should you choose?…
- " So, how was your team meeting today?” - “Exhausting"…
This productivity should come as no surprise to those who have heard of Parkinson's law. This law is the adage that work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion...…
There are moments in the year that are more important than others; the month of September is one of them. Going back to work after the summer break is a crucial period for teams.…
If you want something done, do it yourself: we grow up with this idea that it’s often better to do things on our own. Is this why we find it so difficult to delegate? We can be afraid of losing time or influence, of being seen as lazy, or that the work will be done badly.…
The OKR methodology is a goal-setting management framework, where “O” stands for “objectives” and “KR” for “key results”. How does it work and what does it bring to the company? How to put it in place concretely? What are the potential pitfalls to avoid? In this article, we tell you all about OKRs!…
Remote work has increased the number of communication channels and all these digital solicitations seem to undermine our efficiency. How to stay efficient despite distractions? How to better manage your time and not disperse yourself? What are the simple practices to work more serenely?…
More than 40% of French people say they experience intense stress in the course of their work. They are two sides to stress: “good stress” and bad stress. How to better manage stress at work? How to turn bad stress into positive energy?…
Saying no at work is not easy. Yet a well-justified “no” is better than a counterproductive “yes”. Discover our tips to learn how to say no so that you can remain focused on your work and know your limits.…
Having clear goals is essential: it's what motivates us on the day-to-day. Yet a poorly defined or inconsistent objective is sometimes even worse than having no goals at all! Learn how the set SMART objectives and achieve them.…
Objectives are medium to long-term goals. Each organization has its own special way to set objectives. Here are simple and concrete tips to help managers and their teams set, review and achieve their objectives.…