Management culture and style stand as fundamental pillars for any company's success..…

Management culture and style stand as fundamental pillars for any company's success..…
The main idea of MBO? Set objectives and goals to achieve rather than impose a list of operational tasks. Learn how to practice it…
The role of the managers is no longer limited to pushing their team to achieve a single specific mission in the company...…
Employees want managers who care about their development…. they want a coach. Here's how to be a coach !…
Leaders who embrace followership put collaboration and equality in priority...…
Beyond the know-how, the manager must be aware of his soft-skills. Identify your natural leadership depending on the situation…
Have you ever felt "micromanaged"? In other words, have you ever felt excessively controlled by your manager? Or maybe you have micromanaged your team unintentionally? ...…
A cognitive bias is a thinking mechanism that disturbs the processing of information and distorts reality...…
This productivity should come as no surprise to those who have heard of Parkinson's law. This law is the adage that work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion...…
Management rituals allow everyone to take a step back. When organised in advance at regular intervals, these management rituals provide visibility and create the conditions for effective management.…
You have surely heard about neuromanagement. Here's what you need to know about neuromanagement, how to set it up with your team.…
Amélie Nothomb's novel Stupeurs et tremblements is a great example of how management styles can differ from Europe to Asia! Indeed, the way employees deal with emotions, conflict, time, hierarchy, and communication is always very different from one country to another.…