Before choosing your good resolutions, you should start by taking look back at your past year.…

Before choosing your good resolutions, you should start by taking look back at your past year.…
How do introversion and extroversion translate into the workplace? How can you recognise the different profiles in your company and adapt your management to the personalities in your team?…
Have you ever found your boss incompetent? If so, it's probably due to the Peter Principle: every employee tends to reach his or her maximum level of incompetence.…
Managing is never easy but it can be even more challenging when managing someone more senior, more experienced, older or smarter than you. In these situations, managers can quickly lose confidence or experience the imposter syndrome.…
We have selected for you a list of interesting films and books to take a step back from the world of work, leadership and management.…
Is your personality more introvert or outgoing? Both at work and in our private lives, it is important to be aware of our profile in order to get the most out of it.…
Violaine du Boucher coaches companies, managers and individuals. A former communications manager who worked in agencies as well as corporate, Violaine now specializes in the subject of introversion at work.…
Remote work has increased the number of communication channels and all these digital solicitations seem to undermine our efficiency. How to stay efficient despite distractions? How to better manage your time and not disperse yourself? What are the simple practices to work more serenely?…
More than 40% of French people say they experience intense stress in the course of their work. They are two sides to stress: “good stress” and bad stress. How to better manage stress at work? How to turn bad stress into positive energy?…
Take the free DISC test by Popwork test to find out your personality at work. Is your work or management style more focused on Dominance, Influence, Stability, or Compliance?…
Saying no at work is not easy. Yet a well-justified “no” is better than a counterproductive “yes”. Discover our tips to learn how to say no so that you can remain focused on your work and know your limits.…
Having clear goals is essential: it's what motivates us on the day-to-day. Yet a poorly defined or inconsistent objective is sometimes even worse than having no goals at all! Learn how the set SMART objectives and achieve them.…