Sharing kudos or positive feedback with other employees has a very positive impa…

Sharing kudos or positive feedback with other employees has a very positive impa…
A cognitive bias is a thinking mechanism that disturbs the processing of information and distorts reality...…
You have surely heard about neuromanagement. Here's what you need to know about neuromanagement, how to set it up with your team.…
Amélie Nothomb's novel Stupeurs et tremblements is a great example of how management styles can differ from Europe to Asia! Indeed, the way employees deal with emotions, conflict, time, hierarchy, and communication is always very different from one country to another.…
Each manager has his own way of managing. The management style depends on the personality of the manager, the type of company as well as the profile of the team members.…
"To be a good manager, you have to have been managed before by a good and a poor boss" says Fanny Pechiodat, founder of My Little Paris to Capital magazine. Indeed, if you have suffered from bad management, you will surely not make the same mistakes with your future team.…
Communicating, whose etymology derives from the Greek word "to put in common", is one of the main missions of the manager. Communicating the good news, but also the bad news, such as budget cuts, saying no to a promotion, bad results, etc.…
Is there such a thing as a feminine style of management? Without falling into clichés, it seems that women have a more participative leadership style than men.…
If you want something done, do it yourself: we grow up with this idea that it’s often better to do things on our own. Is this why we find it so difficult to delegate? We can be afraid of losing time or influence, of being seen as lazy, or that the work will be done badly.…
The best kept secret of great managers? They listen actively to their teams. However there is a big difference between hearing and listening. Learn how to listen to your team and communicate better.…
Servant management is often seen as a naive and ineffective leadership style. That's not true: servant managers perfom much better because a happy team is simply more productive.…
Managers have therefore to adapt their management style when they have a remote team. Visionary, connector, hands on: take the quiz discover which manager you are and how you can improve as a remote manager!…